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All‑in‑one Platform

Ecomdio is the all-in-one platform to build e-commerce mobile app and website


Easy interface to add and manage the products. Full control to organize unlimited products for groceries, vegetable, clothes, furniture and anything you want to sell online.

Organize products by category & sub-category, and help customers to find exactly what they are looking for with simply and efficiently.

Configure reward points on the product, that the customer collect on every purchase and redeem points from the products available for redeem.

Ecommerce Product Management Software


Easy interface to send purchase order to the Supplier/Vendor. Provide suggested quantity to order to maintain the appropriate inventory based on the historical sales. Simple inward steps alert when the order quantity does not match with delivered quantity.

Records bills and the payment status, which help you to track the payments to the vendors.

Manage suppliers on product manufacture and brand, keep records of expired/damaged product and keep inventory accurate, create debit note to get refund from the vendors.


Accept online orders from area you defined, offer flexible shipping rate on area basis, allow free shipping on orders amount.

Configure delivery or service timing slots, set default order limit on each timing slots. Overrides the slots limit as per future planning.

Ecommerce Order Booking Software
Delivery Route Planner


View orders on the map, sort on area basis, plan the routes on area wise and assign orders to the Riders for delivery.

Use our Delivery Management App, where rider sees the assigned orders to deliver and get route to reach the designation. Flexible payment schemes to the delivery team on salary basis or order basis.

Print delivery receipt on thermal printer to save money and time.


Tools that speed order processes time and serve more orders

Team Management

Team Management

Tools to assign order to the Packers team and packed orders to the Delivery team.

Rack Management

Rack Management

Tools to helps find the product quickly, and instant thermal print receipt saves money and time.

Cash Settlement

Cash Settlement

Tool to account collected amount on the COD orders paid by your customer on delivery



Cover all reports that needed to evaluate the progress of your ecommerce business

Connect with Store Software

Auto Sync Kodebin inventory & sales with other platforms

Inventory API


Inventory API sync store inventory to the online store. Any inventory updates in offline store will automatically pushed to the online store.


Sale API allows you to push the online sales to any third party application or offline store to sync the inventory.

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